The Race for Owning 1 Bitcoin: Yes, You Can!
This is the perfect time to start.

For the past few weeks, Bitcoin has entered a bullish rally that nothing seems to be able to stop. Not even the announcements of vaccines that are more than 90% effective against coronavirus have been able to stop Bitcoin’s ascent to a new All-Time High.
Bitcoin has seen its price break through the barriers one by one since $13K with disconcerting ease.
Some people seem surprised. However, this rise is rooted in the excellent news that has been coming out for Bitcoin in recent months. All this ultra-positive news accumulated before finally producing the expected effects on the price of Bitcoin.
As I often say, you never know when the Bitcoin price will go up or down. But by looking at the real signal, which are the fundamentals of Bitcoin, you can get an idea of the trend for the coming months.
Bitcoin is getting closer to its All-Time High
Since the beginning of the summer of 2020, everything seemed to indicate that the Bitcoin price would rise sharply sooner or later.
This started from the beginning of October 2020:

The Bitcoin price was then around $10.5K. Since then, the Bitcoin price has increased by +83%. An annual high was even reached on November 24, 2020, at $19,348.
At the time of writing, the Bitcoin price is $19.2K, which represents a +167% increase since the beginning of the year. Those who really trust Bitcoin are clearly never disappointed.
Bitcoin is approaching unexplored territories.
Bitcoin has entered a positive feedback loop that will allow it to beat its ATH in the coming days and weeks. It’s only a matter of time now.

In the meantime, Bitcoin has already beaten its record market cap dating of 2017 by exceeding $357 billion on November 24, 2020. This time, everything is different though. Indeed, the current rise is due to smart money and not to the speculative euphoria of retail investors.
The current Bitcoin Rally is nothing compared to what awaits us in the coming months
The volumes of searches on Google around Bitcoin clearly show that the general public has not yet grasped the phenomenon.
The current Bitcoin rally is driven by institutional investors, whales, billionaires, big companies, and perhaps even banks. These people are buying Bitcoin with a long-term vision, not greed.
The price reached by Bitcoin, therefore, seems much more sustainable than it was at the end of 2017 when a real speculative bubble formed around its price.
Bitcoin appears more than ever for what it really is: the best hedge against the great monetary inflation that we are currently experiencing. This endless monetary inflation will only strengthen the demand for Bitcoin in the future. This gives reason for optimism about the price Bitcoin will reach in the future since its supply is hard-capped at 21 million units no matter what happens.
The real challenge for you is to own at least 1 full BTC
For those who are new to Bitcoin and who have understood why Bitcoin is so important, the challenge now is to own 1 BTC in its entirety.
A real race to own 1 BTC in its entirety to start since the beginning of 2020. Those who are interested in Bitcoin at the moment say that they are definitely behind.
I hear a lot of people say that the current price of Bitcoin is too expensive to expect to own 1 Bitcoin in its entirety. Many say this with regret. Owning 1 Bitcoin will make a big difference to your future.
As of June 2020, a Global Wealth report stated that there are 46.8 million millionaires worldwide. Their cumulative wealth is $158.3 trillion. That’s huge, but no matter what happens, there will never be more than 21 million BTC in circulation.
I’m not even talking about the 3 to 4 million BTC that are already considered permanently lost. This only reinforces the scarcity of Bitcoin, and therefore the value of the units already in circulation.
Not all existing millionaires will be able to own 1 BTC.
Owning 1 Bitcoin will change your future, but you need to take action now
If you decide to trust Bitcoin because you are convinced by its revolution, you could change your future forever by owning 1 BTC. The good news is that it is not too late to own 1 BTC in its entirety. However, to do so, you will have to stop procrastinating about the past.
You have to stop saying:
“If I had known about Bitcoin when it was $1, $100, $1,000, $3,000 …”
It is November 24, 2020, the Bitcoin price is $19.2K. This is what you need to focus on.
You will not be able to change your past, and the mistakes you may have made. However, you can change your future by focusing fully on the present.
You must take advantage of Bitcoin’s great divisibility
The secret to owning 1 entire BTC is to take advantage of its tremendous divisibility. Bitcoin is divisible up to 8 digits after the decimal point. The smallest unit of Bitcoin is the Satoshi.
You need to accumulate as many Satoshis as possible. The #StackSats movement that has appeared since mid-2019 seeks to make you aware of this. In the future, when talking in Satoshi will become the norm, all the accumulated Satoshis will make a big difference.
In addition to this accumulation of Satoshis, the best thing to do is to adopt a Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) approach.
Some applications allow you to automate regular purchases of Bitcoin for an amount of your choice. You can perfectly plan the purchase of “only” $100 of Bitcoin every month.
This will smooth out your costs and allow you not to hesitate at the time of purchase like some people do when they say: “I’m waiting for the price to drop even more”.
You must take advantage of Bitcoin’s price corrections to speed up your conquest
In addition to these DCA purchases, I advise you to keep some cash on hand to take advantage of the corrections in the Bitcoin price.
This is how for example many people have been able to accelerate their conquest to own 1 full BTC during March 2020. When Bitcoin went from $8K to $3.8K in a few hours, it was an incredible opportunity to get closer to owning 1 full BTC.
In the coming weeks, it seems obvious that the Bitcoin price will undergo another correction. This will be an opportunity for you to accumulate a little more BTC to reach your goal more quickly. As you can see, you will need two things to reach the possession of 1 full Bitcoin:
- Total confidence in the Bitcoin revolution. For this, there is no secret. You need to deepen your knowledge and try to understand the why of Bitcoin.
- Patience. Bitcoin teaches you patience. Great things are built over time. It is up to you to develop this quality.
With the current sharp rise in Bitcoin price, some people seem to doubt their ability to own 1 whole Bitcoin. To these people, I want to say:
Yes You Can!
You can still perfectly achieve this goal. Nevertheless, you will have to act quickly. Most of all, you will have to trust Bitcoin and buy Bitcoin in DCA mode. This will allow you to accumulate Bitcoin as you go along without even realizing it.
By keeping cash on hand, you will be able to speed up your quest for your goal as long as you know how to take advantage of the corrections that the Bitcoin price undergoes from time to time. It’s up to you to make its volatility your greatest ally.
What happens next will be a matter of patience. It’s up to you to know how to be one of those who will be rewarded by the Bitcoin revolution. Those who truly believe in Bitcoin are never disappointed.