Books About Bitcoin That You Should Read In 2020
The Bitcoin revolution is underway and you need to be prepared for it.

The year 2020 is already here. Bitcoin had an excellent 2019 being the market’s best performing asset far ahead of gold and the S&P 500. In addition, more and more people are talking about Bitcoin and are beginning to realize that the current monetary and financial system is reaching its limits. More and more people are wondering whether Bitcoin could not be a credible alternative to this flawed system.
In short, the Bitcoin revolution is underway. Block after block, the Blockchain Bitcoin continues its journey and this will still be the case in 2020. If you want to get on the Bitcoin Revolution train, it is not too late but it is better to start by following a guide in order to get the basics right.
To do this, I recommend seven essential books that you should read in 2020. These books will allow you to enter the world of Bitcoin in the best of ways and to understand all the philosophy behind this revolution that is underway.
The Little Bitcoin Book
Published in the summer of 2019, “The Little Bitcoin Book” is the book that you must read if you want to quickly and concisely understand what Bitcoin is. Moreover, this book will help you understand why Bitcoin is essential for the future of the world.
Bitcoin is not a get quick rich scheme contrary to what some people think. Its purpose is much greater. Bitcoin is essential for the creation of a fairer world for all people on earth in the future.
“The Little Bitcoin Book” was written by a collective of authors committed to promoting Bitcoin and its democratization. Within this collective, we find Jimmy Song who participates in training developers in programming Blockchain while spreading the good Bitcoin word.
Finally, the book also includes a question and answer section that will give you the opportunity to quickly discover the answers to all the most frequently asked questions about Bitcoin.
This book can also be an ideal gift for those around you if you are already a Bitcoiner and want to make them understand the importance of Bitcoin for the future of the world.
Mastering Bitcoin: Programming The Open Blockchain
Andreas M. Antonopoulos is one of the most famous and recognized authors in the Bitcoin’s world. Thus, he has devoted a good part of his time to evangelizing the world in the Blockchain since 2013.
Once you have read his book, you will have a clear vision of what Bitcoin and Blockchain are. This is essential because before investing your money in cryptocurrencies, I think it is important to know what the Blockchain is and how it constitutes a real revolution. In this sense, having a solid foundation can only be useful in your journey towards success in the world of cryptocurrencies.
The Internet Of Money – Volume 1, 2 & 3
The three volumes of “The Internet of Money” are still to be credited to Andreas M. Antonopoulos. While many books aim above all to describe what Bitcoin is and how it works precisely in a technical way, these books are more interested in a subject that has not been much discussed in the literature: the reason for Bitcoin!
Born in response to the 2008/2009 financial crisis, Bitcoin is a successful attempt to create an autonomous and decentralized digital currency free from government control. He will probably be the big winner of the next financial crash that threatens the world in 2020.
In these books, Andreas Antonopoulos explains why Bitcoin is a real revolution while making exciting parallels with other technologies that have revolutionized the world in the past.
All this with the inimitable style of Andreas Antonopoulos, who is able to bring all the most difficult concepts within reach. Finally, it goes beyond the speculative side of Bitcoin to detail its philosophical, social and historical implications.
The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative To Central Banking
This book by Saifedean Ammous is considered one of the best books on Bitcoin by many early adopters of technology. It teaches the historical context of Bitcoin’s development and the economic properties that make it unique and allow it to grow rapidly. You will also learn more about the likely economic, social and political consequences of this new technology.
In the introduction to this book, the famous trader and philosopher Nassim Nicholas Taleb says the following:
“Bitcoin has no owner, no authority to decide his fate. It belongs to the crowd, to its users. And he now has a track record of several years, enough to be a full-fledged animal. Its mere existence is an insurance policy that will remind governments that the last object that the institution could control, namely money, is no longer their monopoly. This gives us, the crowd, an insurance policy against an Orwellian future.”
Again, a must-read that all investors in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies must read at least once!
Bullish On Bitcoin: 37 Strategies To Profit In The New Crypto Economy
The euphoric end of year for the Bitcoin in 2017 will have made thousands of people dream. Attracted to the market by their greed, many people invested without counting when they had no idea of the world of cryptocurrencies. The result was catastrophic for many of these people.
The year 2018 with a prolonged bear market was the consequence of the end of 2017. In order to prevent newcomers to the Bitcoin’s world from making the same mistakes again, Misha Yurchenko has written the book “Bullish on Bitcoin” which details 37 strategies that will allow you to take advantage of Bitcoin but also of the new cryptocurrency economy in a more global way.
In this book, you will learn to control your mind to act as a trader and especially control your emotions as well as possible.
You will also discover how to identify undervalued projects that have the potential to offer you a good return on investment. Risk management as well as strategies to optimize the taxation of your capital gains in cryptocurrencies are detailed.
Finally, Misha Yurchenko explains how you can go further in the world of the Blockchain by finding your next job in this field. An essential book considering the year 2020 that awaits the Bitcoin and the world of cryptocurrencies as a whole.
Confessions Of A Crypto Millionaire
This book is somewhat different from the previous ones. Indeed, “Confessions of a Crypto Millionaire” is a more personal book written by Dan Conway in which he recounts his improbable journey to escape from the corporate America.
For Dan Conway, the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is not only about money. The quest for freedom and salvation is central to his book. “Confessions of a Crypto Millionaire” is therefore a non-technical book that will show you how the very idea of decentralization based on the Blockchain has convinced a whole generation of innovators.
Dan Conway’s book is very easy to read because it is exciting and you never really know if he will succeed in making history or if he will finally lose everything.
I therefore advise you to read this book to open your mind and discover the kind of adventures that the world of cryptocurrencies can offer to those who are fully committed to it.
Programming Blockchain: Learn How To Program Bitcoin From Scratch
Jimmy Song is known in the cryptocurrency world as a strong advocate of Bitcoin and the better world Bitcoin is building for the future. Jimmy Song is also an experienced programmer who evangelizes developers to programming Blockchain.
With his book “Programming Blockchain: Learn How to Program Bitcoin from Scratch”, Jimmy Song offers you a unique dive into the heart of Bitcoin technology.
This technical book is mainly intended for developers but it may be of interest to non-technical people who want to get to the heart of Bitcoin technology.
As you progress through the book, you will learn how to parse, validate and create Bitcoins transactions and then use Script, the smart contract language behind Bitcoin.
The consensus mechanism of the Proof-of-Work which is at the heart of Bitcoin will no longer have any secrets for you either, as will the cryptographic primitives and the management of public/private cryptographic keys performed at the Bitcoin Blockchain. All code examples within “Programming Blockchain: Learn How to Program Bitcoin from Scratch” are written in Python 3 which is one of the most popular programming languages currently available and has the advantage of being easy to access.
This book is a must-read and I recommend it even to non-developers who would like to go further in their understanding of the Bitcoin Blockchain.
The year 2020 promises to be an exciting one for Bitcoin with Halving scheduled for May in particular. The democratization of Bitcoin will continue to accelerate and more and more people are considering Bitcoin as a credible alternative to the current monetary system which shows its limits day after day.
As an individual, you must prepare yourself as well as possible for the new world embodied by the Bitcoin. To do this, I recommend that you read the various books I have presented to you in this article. Once you have read these books, you will have all the information you need to understand what Bitcoin represents for the future of the world, but also how you can take advantage of it to have no regrets in 25 years.
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